Sunday, April 15, 2012

change password to Administrator in Windows 7

If you forget password to Administrator in Windows 7 you can solve as follows: I spent hours to test various solutions, used and burned different Crack password programs from open source such as PC Log in Now and many others but nothing helped.  You can see the list below as no one helped me change or crack the password to theAdministrator:
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor
PC Login Now
When I tested a few of them I realised that no other solution would help if the best one above can not solve my problem about forgetting a password to Administrator.They are require not corrupted users information. Here is the best solution:
1) Have some Linux LiveCD. I used Puppy 4.1.2 because this is very fast liveCD than for example Ubuntu that do not provide LiveCD in the latest version. I tried the Try Demo but this did not work and this take more time to start up the Ubuntu than Puppy which is very fast and you can save to USB the last session if you want.

2) Using Puppy , open a terminal and locate the mounts where windows resides and change inside System32 as follows:
cd /mnt/sda3/
cd Windows/System32
#Save this before you change
cp sethc.exe sethc.exe.saveit
cp cmd.exe sethc.exe

3)Reboot your computer and when you see the log-on screen and press Shift key five times.
4) You will see a black terminal windows. Write the following to change the password to your user Administrator:
net user MyAdministratorUser MyNewPassword
and try to log in with the new password MyNewPassword to your administrator.

You can add new user as follows if you have Administrators group:
net user root /add

net localgroup Administrators root /add

net localgroup Users root /delete

5) Once inside your computer change back , i.e. restore the Sticky Keys application:
 copy /y c:/windows/system32/sethc.exe.saveit c:/windows/system32/sethc.exe

You can also try to get the Administrator visible as follows:
net user administrator /active:yes 

But this did not helped me in my case. So my solution above is the best one.

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